Architecture of ORACLE
users is going to give request to server. Server will accept the request and try
to knock the datafile. In order to meet the datafile, server will invokes the
oracle instance. Oracle instance is a logical representation to meet up the datafiles
or database. When oracle instance will started up with collection processors. It's
contains two kinds of components those are
Shared global area
two components are contained optional and mandatory. Mandatory components are
taken care by oracle itself. Optional processers are taken care by DBA. It should
be allocated based on the client requirement or improve the performance of a
database. These decisions are completely taken care by DBA. If one process goes
down, oracle instance will be down.
1) Shared global area:
is a collection of memory components. Which is contained contiguous memory components
to do the DML,DDL operation. Memory (RAM) shared by all the processes belonging
to a single Oracle database instance. The SGA contains all information
necessary for the instance operation Here we have mandatory and optional components.
We will see one by one component. How it will work?
Mandatory components:
1) DBBC:
Data block buffer cache is holds
the information which is retrieved from datafiles. Any new insertion to database
before going to commit. It will be represented in the DBBC only. Here we have dirtiy
blocks and current block. Current block is most recently used block. Dirty
blocks are committed transaction. Db_buffer_cache_size=2k,4k,8k,
2) Redo buffer cache:
It is containing latest transactions
which are going to write into disk as insert or update. Log_buffer_cache
3) Shared pool:
Shared fool is the combination of library
cache and data dictionary cache. This buffer is useful to do the internal tasks.
4) Library cache:
It will allocate or de-allocate
memory as SQL or Procedural code is to executed based on the individual needs
of user’s sessions and in accordance of LRU cache. It holds the shared SQL
areas, private SQL areas, PL/SQL procedures and packages, various control structure.
It will stores the execution plan and cursors.
5) Dictionary cache:
highly accessed
memory structures that provide information on object structures to SQL
statements being parsed.
Optional components:
6) Java pool:
memory available for the Java memory
manager to use for all things Java as run state, methods, classes, session
code, data in JVM. Java_pool_size
7) Large pool: it is helpful for large
memory allocation and parallel processors as shared server, oracle xA, I/o
processes, backup& restore. RMAN utility large_pool_size
8) Keep pool: It is for small tables
sorting purpose. Keep_pool_size
9) Recycle pool: it's allocated for
large table sorting purpose. it my leads to improve the performance.
10) streams _pool: it's for providing
the flexibility to do the data pump operations. Streams_pool_size. It will propagate information from with in a
database or shared to others specified destinations. Asme as sharing the responsibilities.
11) result cache: it's based on three
parameters manual- need to mention
operation are done here. Auto means auto allocation is provided as size. Force
is the combination of both it mention values are taken as size. There is no size
it will automatically allocates the memory as 64mb. It is most probably caching
SQL query and PL/SQL function results to be stored in memory.
RESULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter. If it is 0,it is disables the
server-side result cache.
Background processors:
also we have mandatory and optional processer. This are helpful to keep the
database in a synchronized manor.
Mandatory processor
1) Smon: System Monitor- Max Processes-1
it is helpful to perform the instance recovery.
colasing the extents in DMTS.
remove the temporary segments
is perform the sanitory check. If will check all the CRD file's SCN are matched or not.
2) PMON: Process Monitor- Max Processes-1
- it is helpful Is user recovery, when the user failed to connect the database, pmon will invoke and perform the recover and available for next entry
- Clean up the database buffer cache. It will flashes the temporary blocks and dirty blocks and corrupted blocks.
- Listener tns.ora startup and registration for particular database.
3) Dbwr:
Database Writer- Max Processes-20
- server process is helpful to fetch the information from Database, not the dbwr
- Invokes when the user gives the commit
- Dirty blocks are reached to threshold value.
- When dirty-blocks reaches becomes LRU blocks
- when log switch occurs when checkpoint is issued.
- when database shuts down
- undo or
rollbacks happens
4) lgwr:
log writer. Max Processes-1
- 1/3 full of redo buffer
- For every 3 seconds log writer invokes. It will write the information from redo buffer to online redo’s
- Transactions are committed.
5) Checkpoint process:- CKPT- Max
Checkpoint process signals
the synchronization of all database files with the checkpoint information. It ensures
data consistency and faster database recovery in case of crash. When transaction
are committed. DBWR wants write the information into disk then CKPT will invoke
and attaché SCN number to the particular datafile and updated in the
controlfile to be in the sync.
- When log switch occurs.
- When switch log occurs
- When checkpoint fired
6) Recover: RECO: Max
Reco is helpful to resolve the distributed
transaction failures due to network issues. The local reco attempts connect to
the remote database and automatically complete or commit or rollback.
memory manager is helpful to allocate the SGA memory components dynamically by reading the pfile or spfile
2) Trace writer; it is useful to write the
latest information regarding database into trace file.
dataguard monitor helpful to provide the high availability by creating the
various information
Arch: Max
Processes-10 archival information will be provided into 10 different
locations for providing the multiplexing of archival.
5) MMON: memory monitor process helpful to
gather all the statistics and writes into AWR on ascheduled based.
MMNL: it
is a slave process to write the AWR report
RBAL: it
is ASM related processer to provide the re balancing.
ARBx: The number of slaves to provide rebalancing
ASMB process is used to rovide information to and from the cluster
synchronization services used by ASN. It is also used to update statistics and
provide a heartbeat mechanism.
change track writer while used for RMAN incremental backups.
11) Job queue monitoring
slaves: input and output slave to fetch the data
Pnnn: parallel processer to improve the
shared servers SHARED_SERVERS=1000(max).
dispatcher is ready to listen the user request to provide the parallel.
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